One Sided Love .

 Loving someone is one of the most vulnerable positions in which you can be. you opne your heart to another person and your best with is for him or her to love you in return

Unfortunately.  life is not a 'The lucky one'' movie love isn't always  reciprocated , and it doesn't always end in a happy ever after 

I had to learn this truth , and chance you have . too . Sometimes, love isn't a feelings you force upon yourself; it just happens.

When you start to spend more time with another human being, you expose yourself to whom he or she is all the ,past experience , what  makes him or her happy or sad, dreams and ambitions in life, flaws and the depths of his or her heart and you , in return , divulge your deepest secrets and desires 


We can always control our emotions the only important things is to know- how . Even if your doesn't get reciprocated or returned , you shouldn't feel like it is ovger . if you can control your emotion correctly it's actually a very  valuable skill.

Even if you find he or she doen't have any romantic intrest for you after communicating when your desired person, you must learn how to process your emotion. 

It will indeed take some time, but if you are determined and have a positive attitude, it wont be an issue.

Get your engaged in other activities 

There are so many things that you can do and take active participation . one of the best way to deal with  ONE SIDED LOVE is to get yourself engage in other activities.

the purpose is to keep yourself busy the maximum you can . do not let yourself feel alone.It is natual to feel upset and disappointed by the thought that's why he or she doesnot love back or at least try to feel the same as you .

all these thoughts will gradualy make you feel gragile and emotionnally unstable.

To avoid the negativeity , you need somethings to hold on which will help you grow and build your stronger..


there are a lots of ways to selfmotivation . All you need is a little guidance and determination.

Do things that will motivate you to become a better person . If your desired person is not showing any intrest or least bothered about it shouln't bother you much.

You have to think that he /she doesn't deserve you and there is someone better waiting for you at some corner of the world when  the right time comes , you will meet that person for sure.

If you feel uncomfortable standing near to his/ her or seeing that person makes you feel down, cut off from that place and be somewhere can be yourself

Make your charaters intresting.

The best way to make me believe the love story is to make me believe in them . No matter hoe good the blueprint . if your building materials  are styrofoam and gummy bear, that cathedral ain't standing for lonf. the more intresting and complex your lovers are ,the more we'll believe in them and root for their 'happily ever after'. If you're having trouble with the love story , go back and spend time to figuring out who these people are .

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