How To Take Charge Of Yourself Relationship

1. No One In Charge Of  Yourself .

You are responsible for your Relationship . not your partner. If you are unhappy with your relationship , you need to change 

Maybe you're not moving through the relation at your own  pace . out the broke on . may be you're neglecting your own needs for the needs of your partner on your family- . find out more time for yourself . or maybe there are some important things that you need to set with your partner . have that conversation .

you need to take the initiative to create the relationship that you want . it wont happen 

2. Take Care Of Your Own Needs.

you start to feel out of control of your relation when you needs aren't being met. this happen when you give up your routine . career, family , and goals to

accommodate the relationship you are leaving a lot of your needs unmet . and now you expect your partner to fulfil all of these needs .

the lead your relationship to feel strained because your partner never measures up

what needs are you asking your partner to fulfil/ if you're asking for too much there's no way your partner could ever meet all of your needs 

3. Fully On It

Owning it means taking responsibility for your actions and validating the emotional implications for your partner . period. sometimes people almost get there but then neglect much of it by falling up with excuses. there may be extenuating circumstances that the are relevant to the issue at hand but be careful that they don't  get framed in away that reverses the original intent . if you've fully owned your role be sure to follow up with a heartfelt Apology around causing your partner pain , whether intended or not . it can feel vulnerable to open yourself up in this way but it's an important part of this process. 

4. Learn To Communicate Effectively 

Educate your self about this topic as you will need to practice good communicate with your partner . Its imperative that you and your partner speak with kindness and sensitively to one another . yes, people argue and conflict is part of  most relationship at some point but the key is to be able to get out of those situation as productively as possible . At best , you come to an 

agreement with no emotional harm done . at worst , you scream at each other , sling profane names back and forth with no resolution or repair . essentially , you've caused further damage to your relationship.

5. Health Relationship Can Lessen Bad Habits. 

besides self-concept growth, the self can experience pruning , or the lessening of unfavourable qualities  may be you were once a loud talker , nail biter , or a heavy drinker, and being with your partner has changed those annoying or unhealthy habits . such relationship based running is considered a way of improving the self.

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