Health And fitness : Health is the general physical and mental condition of a person . A healthy
person is someone who is physically and mentally fit .it is vital to exercise to maintain a healthy body and soul . Any physical activity, like walking , running and swimming is a part of the exercise
Health is a positive concept . being healthy is not as easy as it sounds . being healthy and fit are interconnect .Health is used to describing the more emotional related aspect of a person , and fitness is used to discribe more about the physical health of a person
Improves bone health : Regular exercise can help to prevent the bone density loss that occurs with aging .
moderate or vigorous muscle-strenthening and aerobic exercise as well as bone-strengthening programs.
Real benifits to bone density begin with only about 80 to 90 min of exercise a week.
Weight- bearing exercise , such as walking and dancing, and resistance exercise are particularly good for bone health.
It'll will make your skin look better : Aerobic exercise revs up blood flow to the skin , delivering oxygen and nutrients that improve skin health and even help wounds heal faster. "that's why when people have injuries they should get moving as quickly as possible- not only to make sure that muscle does'nt atrophy but to make sure there's good blood flow to the skin, " say anthony hackney, an exercise physiologist at the university of north caroline at chapel hill train long enough, and you'll add more blood vessels and tiny capillaries to the skin too.
Increase chance of living longer : strong scientific evidence shows that physical activity delay death from all causes," accoding to a 2018 report from the department of health and human services
Even better , the benifits start to accumulate with modest amounts of moderate-to vigorous exercise the greatest jump occurs when a person goes from being "inactive" to being insufficently active.
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