Work From Home Earn Money From Amazon Affiliated Upto 30k to 40k

Think a business model that requires no inventory or startup capital, which partners with the biggest internet retailer in the world . It can be conducted from anywhere. ad generates cash flow around the clock, into perpetuity. 

sounds pretty amazing , rights ? And it is real .its called the amazon associates program, and its a free to use as affiliated marketing program where you can promoted and market any product selling on amazon , and get a commission ok 1-10% on any sale that you generate for amazon

With amazon's simple link- building tools, it is much easier to get started than you may think .

Do you have a blog , niche site ,youtube channel , or others social media account with a decent  following ? well, you can use the amazon affiliated program to recommend products you love to your audience _ and get paid for it . 

For example , I search " Top 10 best phones "on google and fund a website call that compared 20 best cellphones . as you go through the content , you will see links of where to buy these products.

When you click the affiliated link , there you will be brought to an amazon listing. And if you purchase that cellphones. All recipes would earn a commission.

How Does The Amazon Affiliate program work?

The Amazon Affiliated program helps contest creators , publishers and blogger monetize their traffic and earn supplement income . simply  put , amazon will pay you a raferal fee every time a customer makes s purchase using your affiliated link .

The coolest part is, even if the reader purchase a different products than the one you promoted , you will still receive a commission  as long as they got to amazon from your unique link [and as long a they makes a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it]  

In order to to generate traffic that you  refer to amazon  you will need to have an audience . That can come in the form of a blog , niche website [ such as a review site], like , Youtube Instagram, facebook , twiter. or others social media channels.

Determine Which Products Are Goods For Affiliates

We know that we are looking for a niche that has some existing interest, without overwhelming competition. our assumption is that we will be able to create a websiteds marketing products within a niche and start sending purchase -ready consumers to amazon . When they buy, We make money .

Here are the criteria for finding a good product:

  • There are plenty of product and related products on amazon
  • good prize range [7k to 8k ]
  • steady sales volumes [ you can reference the best seller rank on the product listing page] . the best seller rank gives you an idea of how well a product sells . The lower the number , the better . For example, A product ranked =400,000
  • people are leaving decent reviews of the product .
The beauty  of today's niche research is that there are tools to quantify how many people  are searching  for various keywords .

Generate Interest In Your Product To Bring In Sales.

Now That you've identified your niche , it's time to start regenerate your interest for the niche -specific product you've chosen to promote.

Hone your content plan

There are some very straightforward  steps you need to take once you have found a niche. Ultimatedly, 
Though, the goal is to get your niche site ranking on google for the main keywords you are targeting. The way to get there is by building a content -rich site. you need to fill your website with high-value 
Information content , and conversion -focused product reviews to get people to purchase on Amazon.

Create Affiliate Links In Your Account 

Once your account is setup , it's time to create an affiliate link .This is a very vast step because if customer does not use this specific affiliate link. You will not get paid a commission if the customer decides to purchase .

once you are signed into your account , you will able to see your performance dashboard and earnings overview.

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