5 Way To Become A Cooler You

What Does It Mean To Be A "Cool"?

 Before we show you how to be a "cool" ,it helps to understand  what "being cool" exaclty means. 

As you've problebly  optimise the concept of "coolness" it completely subjective to some people like dancing , rapping , hiphop , artists and member of hardcore punk bands  are the epitome of cool , while
for others , it's aloof performance artists. 

1. Takecare of your health 

You know what's not cool? neglecting health . people are less likely to take you seriously if you're out 
of shape , mentally unbanlanced ,or -god forbid -both 

think about it , what is you initial impluse when someone sneezes , coughs, farts profusely, or start talking like a maniac?you try to get away 

It's only human nature for us to wan't be  around people brimming with virant health.

Does this mean you have to have six-pack abs or baceps the size of your head ? no, but you should make an effort to eat healthy , exercise  frequently , and get routine medical check ups to maintain a healthy BMI and well -fruntioning mind . 

2. Learn how to talk cool

There is no way to talk cool , but there is one major thing all cool people have in common when communicating . they sound confident and self -assured 

You want to sound like an authority when talking with other and this requires  overcoming any
nervousness an anxiety you might feel and actively listening what's being said so that you respond throughtfully 

your toun is also very important -more important than the actual words you speak in fact .studies on the 
impact of communication  suggest that anywhere from 20 to 40%  what we communicate is depend on tone of voice .

learn to speak in a clam , consistently - tone voice, and try to inject a little humor into your conversations ( not forcible, of course ).

3. Don't Be A Jerk About It.

Cool guys and girks sometimes get a bad rap because movies and TV shows often portray then as shallow jerks and douchebags . If you think being cool means treating people badly , reconsider that viewpoint .

In truth , cool people - quality good people - are generally on friendly terms with everyone , instead of going around thinking they are better than everyone , they make an effort to be nice and respectful to the people in their lives and those they meet 

This is a big reason  why they are so liked and admired .

How to be cool .... Treat people like how you want to treated . being a jerk or douchebag doesn't make you cool -it makes you an enemy , someone few people want to be around.

4.  Don't Be Afraid To Be different 

Remember,. cool means having  different things to different people , so dont be afraid to be different 

Whether it means having a different fashion sense , taking interest in something that no one else does ,
or depending someone else , do it because it's what makes you feel happy and cool , not beacuse it's what someone wants you to do

Getting back to the section about being a rebel, the coolest people tend to be those who occasionally go against the tide and make people question the status 

This can oftentimes make insecure people jealous of you , and they might stop to very low levels  in an attemp to steal your thunder  

Don't let that deter you  ; build confidence in yourself so that their actions dont get to you ...

5. Be yourself , find your own style

Last but not the least , dont  lose slight of yourself or your morals in your way to become cool . beacuse what's the point's of being cool if you're someone you are not 

Indeed being cool is'nt about changing who you are - it's about elevating yourself to a new level so that you shine brighter that ever . its about being that best version of yourself 

how to be a cool ? Accept you for who you are - all your good and bad habits strengths and weakness -and don't apologize to anyone for being true to yourself. being yourself while having people appreciate 
and admire you is the epitome of cool.



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