How Can You Be A Good friend

Well before I start I would like to share you  about my short thoughts ...  Recently I was asked who i consider to be my best friend . After thinking about it for a while , I decided i could not choose just one . all of my friends are so dear to me , And i think part of the reason I have so many strong long standing . Relationships in mylife is because i respect and understanding,I recently decided to try and pinpont exactly decide what i think makes the relationships in my life work so well.

                            Here are some examples .

Acceptance : True friends accept you even when your lives move in different direction . True friends understand that your choice are yours and accept those decision because they know that what's right for them isn't necessarily right for you .

Do Not Judge : A component of good friendship that comes from mastering self-awareness and empathy is a lack of judgment . After you have accepted your own flaws and learned to struggle  openly  it becomes much easier to accept others no matter . Where they are on their journey .Look at how everything you experience changes you in some little way . understand that the same thing is happening to every human . Stay focused on the reality that we are moving at different speeds towards changes we can't control and you will find and abundance of patience within you that allows ready forgiveness of others . Holding a judge is a form of judgement . by deciding that a person is not worthy of our friendship , we are assuming that they have no hope .

What about bad friends ?

Here are some signs of an chutiya friendship ,according to  my thoughts 

  1. You feel drained whenever you talk to them .

  2. The friendship is one - sided meaning every time you talk to them or try to share with them ,
    somehow the conversation turns around and goes back to them.

  3. Your time boundaries are not being respected .

  4. They aren't making time to listen to you or allow space for your contributions to the conversation. 

  5. They don't respect your feeling  . They always try to make you down  , But a good friends will never let you down . 

  6. You feel overly reliant on each other , a hallmark of codependent friendship. 

  7. They often fell belittled by them .
  8. They often feel jealous  . While you  do good things
A courageous friend .
"A good friend is a courageous friend who will stand up and do the right thing when no one is looking and even if it doesn't benefit them .
This may not be the type of defination most people have courage, but trust me - it takes a lot of courage to do this ".
like example , you might find yourself in situations where other people aren't treating your friend well or where you know you friend may be put in a sticky situation . as much as possible , a good friend is willing to stick their neck out on behalf of their friends , whether that means shutting down gossip about them making sure they get home safe after a night out , or something to challenge each other .

Be willing to challenge each other .

A good friend pushes you to grow , will let you know when you are on the wrong path, and will '' challenge you when you need to be challenged , ' and this is all done in love and with respect  . In this way , you can grow together and support each other along the way...  

             friends is the hardest thing in the world to explain.

             It's not something you learn in school .

             But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship .

             you really haven't learned  anything''.- Muhammad Ali



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